Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Quick update!!


My mother was away for training! She went to Mississippi!

Now she is on her way home! SHE'S IN MARYLAND!

私はうれしいとゆかたです。  <0-0> Mahaha!


Oh! ちょっとまってください。


Uwahhh! She just came home in the middle of my blog! She brought me A 300 DOLLAR NECKLACE FROM BAILEY BANKS AND BIDDLE!

And a really cute shirt.

WAAAAAA! I love my mommy!

Thank the LORD for giving me a great mommy.

God & I

Well. Can I just start by saying, GOODNESS. God Loves me!

He sent his only.... ONLY son, who died for my sins, so that I may be forgiven.

How gracious is that? Im not even worthy of it! Im so grateful for him being our savior.

My prayers always seem to come true, and I know God is listening. He never fails me.

Possibly because I am his child. I know being raised into the catholic religion may have altered my path to begin with and sooooo I did indeed lose my way. I can admit, I was one of the bad "seeds" that you always hear about on the news. God found me and brought me to the wonderful group of people I spend my every day communicating with. I said before that I have come a very long way, in a previous blog. But now I know that... before when I called for God to help me. That's the help I recieved. He helped me fix my life up, and CONTINUE to fix it. My anger is one of the only things I believe could use some work. I can at least try harder. It hurts me to know I sin and Im so undeserving of God's graces.

It pains me more that other people who dont even know what's coming for them when judgement day comes. I dont want that to happen to all my friends, hopefully they hear me when i try to call to their selves.

Hopefully I will see my dearest ones on the other side. And if not, they would be getting their just.

Ehhhmm. Lord Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I can only imagine how much you love me and care. I wish to be more like you. I love you, and Im so grateful for the everydays you allow me to live healthy, even in sickness. I know that I am how I deserve. Im glad just still being able to breath. Though that when it is my time to die. I wish to go knowing that you will not tell me... "I do not know you" I can only imagine how much that would hurt. I was told about it, but I still, can only imagine. You that I have claimed to love and share bonds with. You rejecting me and my love. Im right with you. I want to stay right with you. I want to have you in everything that I do, say, eat. Everywhere I go. I want to live faithful to you. Having you in my life.

Thank You.