He sent his only.... ONLY son, who died for my sins, so that I may be forgiven.
How gracious is that? Im not even worthy of it! Im so grateful for him being our savior.
My prayers always seem to come true, and I know God is listening. He never fails me.
Possibly because I am his child. I know being raised into the catholic religion may have altered my path to begin with and sooooo I did indeed lose my way. I can admit, I was one of the bad "seeds" that you always hear about on the news. God found me and brought me to the wonderful group of people I spend my every day communicating with. I said before that I have come a very long way, in a previous
It pains me more that other people who dont even know what's coming for them when judgement day comes. I dont want that to happen to all my friends, hopefully they hear me when i try to call to their selves.
Hopefully I will see my dearest ones on the other side. And if not, they would be getting their just.
Ehhhmm. Lord Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I can only imagine how much you love me and care. I wish to be more like you. I love you, and Im so grateful for the everydays you allow me to live healthy, even in sickness. I know that I am how I deserve. Im glad just still being able to breath. Though that when it is my time to die. I wish to go knowing that you will not tell me... "I do not know you" I can only imagine how much that would hurt. I was told about it, but I still, can only imagine. You that I have claimed to love and share bonds with. You rejecting me and my love. Im right with you. I want to stay right with you. I want to have you in everything that I do, say, eat. Everywhere I go. I want to live faithful to you. Having you in my life.
Thank You.
awesome, Kisha. :) awesome words, awesome thoughts. Hold on to them. And remember, I'm just here, willing to help you in any way. God is indeed sovereign (maybe thats a new view on your blog title eh?) and i know He has put me and the youth group in your life during this time for a reason... one of those reasons is to bring you closer to Him. And I'm just happy to hear that He's touching your heart and that you in return are responding to His great love.
John 1:12
"Yet to all who received Him (Jesus), to those who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God."
--yes indeed if you've entrusted Him your life and believe that He has saved you from God wrath, you are a child of God. And nothing can take that privilege away from you.
Philippians 1:6
"Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
--if you truly are a child of God, this work that He is doing in your heart will continue until we face Him. He would never give up on you, He will faithfully work in you.
Romans 8:38-39 (maybe you should look for this in your Bible)
--one of the most reassuring verses in the Bible for true believers.
<3 Lizelle
Aaaahhh. Thank you Lizelle. My new favorite verse is Romans 8:38-39. [:
And its so true! Nothing can separate me!
Glad ta hear this Miss Kisha! =D
Keep on growing in faith yo!
Were all here for ya, if ever ya need us hehe.
If only I could do somthing about my career path oii. D:
Its nerve wrecking T^T
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